A downloadable game

Life at Quarter Mile is a tabletop roleplaying experience that focuses on fast cars, huge stunts, and most importantly... family! The game is inspired by the Fast and Furious franchise where family is not defined by blood, but by those you are willing to "ride or die" for. Each session of Life at a Quarter Mile is a NOS filled high-octane adventure where the family (the player characters) are pitted against a larger than life Villain in a Mission to stop their nefarious Plot

Using a streamlined version of "Blades in the Dark," Life at a Quarter Mile allows the family to quickly get into the action and focus on the narrative, not the rules. To enhance the basic rule set, an array of unique mechanics have been developed to promote family relationships and fast paced action! Some examples include,

  • A Condition based approach to harm which empowers players to address their Relationships with their family. 
  • A resource known as NOS that can be spent to perform spectacular abilities at any moment. 
  • A special Montage scene that helps prepare for the action without the need for actual planning
  • End-of-Session BBQs to raise up family members who put their all into the Mission. 

To make each player distinctive, there are 9 Archetypes to choose from such as The Arms, The Badass, The Ex-Cop, or The Family Man. Each archetype provides an array of Abilities and Modifications that fit a variety of playstyles. 

For the Action Master (AM), Life at a Quarter Mile provides an easy session structure where they can stay white knuckled on the narrative wheel. Utilizing Gears and Complications, the AM can easily introduce story elements and threats that keeps the action going without the need for extensive prep. The AM is highly encouraged to let loose and allow for the insane to occur!

Main Features

  • Fast paced narrative storytelling focused on action and family 
  • Streamlined rules inspired by Blades in the Dark
  • Unique new mechanic that puts family relationships in the driver seat
  • Simple character creation with a choice of 9 distinctive archetypes
  • Easy to prep session structure

What you Need

  • Three to six players
  • At minimum 6 six-sided dice 
  • The desire for fast cars and family 

Designer Notes 

(06-19-2023) Rev.10

  • Updated core rules with small changes to improve game flow
  • Improved / balanced Archetype moves based on feedback to improve narrative utility
  • Excited that people have downloaded and enjoyed the game! 

(01-15-2023) Rev.9

  • This game is free for anyone to download and enjoy, I do not expect any donations. 
  • Design feedback is welcome 
  • It is recommended to utilize table safety tools (X-card, Lines and Veils, etc) to ensure the best experience for everyone, especially when family beefs become heated. 
  • Continued updates will come over time through feedback and my own testing. 


Quarter Mile Rev.10.pdf 181 kB
Quarter Mile Archetype Sheets Rev.10.pdf 4.9 MB

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